The Grizz front bumper is 16" wide from outside to outside. The 02/Kong front bumper looks the same however it is only 15" wide.
This front bumper is 15" wide from outside to outside and is used for the following model cars. The Pro 2k, Ultimate 01, Extreme 02, and Kong.
The Grizz rear bumper is 16" wide from outside to outside.
This rear bumper is 15" wide outside to outside and fits the following model cars: 1900 / Pro2k / Ultimate 01 / Extreme 02 / Kong.
The 31" G17 nerf bar is shorter in length from front to back than the Kong/Grizz nerf bar.
The solid stainless steel left nerf bar is approximately 8lbs. For left side ballast.
The solid stainless steel left nerf bar is approximately 8lbs.; for left side ballast. The 31" G17 nerf bar is shorter in length then the nerf bar for the other size cars.